Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thoughts for a Saturday morning

1. Martin Luther King said, “that the religious community could help a divided nation find common ground by moving to higher ground.”

2. A more authentic Church, writes Dorothy Butler Bass, is one on a journey to becoming God’s church…new people…new ways of being…new communities.

4. New image: Transformative Traditions

5. Jesus is not the way to get somewhere else but Jesus is the Christian Journey itself. The arrival is in God.

6. Jesus says “follow me” not follow a map to me.

7. Maybe every congregation needs a full year of mentoring new comers into a life of discipleship.

8. We’re invited to come into a living relationship with Jesus Christ who takes over the center of one’s life.

9. Christianity is a religion of the streets.

These thoughts stirred today as I re-read Dorothy Butler's Bass' book, Christianity for the rest of us.

Building Bridges...

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